Our Culture
What is it like to work among Sprinters?
SprintIT is who we are, Odoo is what we do. We are an agile, hybrid, international, entrepreneur-spirited company, that is not a big fan of hierarchy.
Our people are a group of team leads and project managers, architects and developers, support and management members, junior and senior, introverts and extroverts, bike riders, doglovers, musicians... all professionals making ERP easy.
We believe bureaucracy kills the pace, where as common practices bring productivity, enable growth and prevent silos.
A word from our People Lead:
Why did we decide to develop our culture?
During 2021 we had a bigger company development project to figure out the state of our company culture and where we are heading with it.
After all the work, we now know our culture better and want to make sure we hire people who can live that desired culture and even add something to it, with us.

Independently together
As much as we are a tight community and actively collaborate across teams and areas of expertise, we also give a lot of freedom to our individuals (comes with great responsibility, but hopefully rewarding feelings and motivation, too!).
That is to say, we seek to find answers to challenges through self-direction and self-management. Actually, one of our internal slogans is "just do it" - or translated to our own language, "just sprint it".
Anchor your laptop wherever you want
With SprintIT, experts are allowed to determine their own place and time of work. There are no official office days and communication flows quite easily with our tools. Pretty much everyone loves the opportunity to work remotely, and of course, there's a natural distance between the Sprinters in Helsinki, Vadodara and other locations.
Hybrid work offers a great opportunity to do tasks that require special concentration (and frees up precious time from morning routines and traveling). The office has its appeal, though (especially our renewed HQ at Helsinki). Seeing colleagues face-to-face is refreshing! Natural collisions are more likely to occur in common areas, allowing smooth flow of information, encounters with a coffee machine, conversation over lunch, and so on.

"Just sprinting it"
Experimental culture is another typical way of working for us. It is useless to plan and secure things until the cows come home.
Prefer "Think big, Act small and Fail fast!" Outline the goal, try your ideas in small pieces together with the client and see what works and what doesn’t.
Keep what works, learn and guide others as you go, move on to the next experiment!
Micro teams for the win
You know the saying about too many cooks? Been there, done that, didn't work, learned our lesson.
The entire company can not be involved in every project, so now we go for micro teams: a lovely mix of different professionals combining beautiful trios or quartets.
We have good experiences with teams with both architectural insight and technical and sales expertise, as well as seniority and juniority blended appropriately.

Does our culture show?
Now that you’ve read this far, go to our Instagram and see for yourself what we are really like!
@ sprintitpeople
PS. All photos on this website are really us! No photobanks here!