It's us, Sprinters - opening our sources!
This is your chance to get to know us, our daily lives, our work and achievements - and Odoo, the cool kid in the world of open source ERP.
Being a growing IT company, there is always so much going on! Good days, bad days, fun days, overloaded days, more people, more events, more to learn, weird memes to share…
At the end of the day, work takes out a really big part of our life, doesn’t it? What makes everything worth it, is the culture. Money and benefits are great and all, but it’s the people, the atmosphere, and license to be who you are that matter the most!
These stories on this page are our gentle attempt to show you some of our culture and personalities, in both Finland and India - what is going on inside our offices and inside our heads. Since we are all about open source here, we shall call these stories "Open your source" stories!
If you’re interested in us, you should also see our Instagram account (@sprintitpeople).

Open your source, Meet
Odoo Developer Meet Vaishnani has over 6 years of expertise in Odoo Software development. Fuelled by passion for his craft, he is eager to spread the word about both Odoo and SprintIT.
Don't let his dedication fool you - he's usually the one making everyone laugh, and he doesn't even believe in bad days.
We even added a surprise video/podcast to his story. As Meet puts it, "it will require more than words to express our emotions to the people".

Open your source, Ildi
Our Project Manager Ildikó Horváth followed her dreams and moved to Finland 10 years ago, learned the language and is now turning a new page with us by starting to manage our Odoo projects.
Ildi is a F1 superfan who starts her mornings with coffee like a true Finn and sometimes thinks about unicorns and swimming with sharks while chit-chatting with colleagues on breaks.

Open your source, Olli
To get to know the Team Player of the year 2022, we need to go back to the year 2017 with our Solutions Architect Olli Björkqvist!
Olli believes more in smooth sailing than heroic tales when it comes to project work and admits Python being the best part of Odoo.
He dabbles in many types of subnerdery and can’t help but laugh at bad puns while drinking too much coffee… what else? Read on to find out!

Open your source, Petra
Petra Eloranta is the first Team Lead to be titled as Team Lead in this company.
Petra has genuine interest in people and she takes everyone into account. She is also the bubbliest person at the office and always ready to share funny stories with you.
She participates in our many activities and courageously throws herself in new situations: that's why we also added some videos in this interview!

Open your source, Aude
Our Junior Solution Architect, Aude Le, began her journey with us in May 2022 and is already an important part of our projects and office life.
She fights the Finnish cold with positivity and impeccable fashion-sense and always makes everybody happy with her friendliness. You might have spotted her in our front page video, too!

Open your source, Samuel
We dove into our Support Team (Continuous Services) and found Samuel Johansson the Software Developer.
Samuel started as a Summer Trainee in June 2021, and has been with us ever since. His main task back then was the SprintIT internal code migrations. Being almost ready with his thesis, he could finally take on a full-time position as Software Developer this fall, and we couldn’t be happier!

Open your source, Viki
What better way to start telling our Sprinter Stories, than first interviewing the Team Player of the Year 2021, Viki Chavada!
Viki has been working with us since March 2019, but he just moved to Finland from our India office this August.
This python-professional is a man of peace and calm, but also full of talent, curiosity, travel dreams and office yoga poses to die for.