Open your source, Viki!
What better way to start telling our Sprinter Stories, than first interviewing the Team Player of the Year 2021, Viki Chavada!
Viki has been working with us since March 2019, but he just moved to Finland from our India office this August.
This python-professional is a man of peace and calm, but also full of talent, curiosity, travel dreams and office yoga poses to die for.
Who are you and where do you come from?
My name is Viki Chavada and I am an Odoo Developer at SprintIT. I come from Jetpur, Gujarat, India.
What made you apply here?
I knew one of the employees, Chandni. I was chatting with her, found out she’s in this company, she asked me to send in my resume and I did!
What do you like most about being a Sprinter?
What I like about this company is that there is no hierarchy. So, whatever the position you have, your opinion always matters.
Let me list you other features I like the most:
Flexible work hours.
You will never get judged.
Open discussion to any topic.
Personal and professional development workshops: 360 meetings, knowledge sharing sessions, monthly whole company meetings, team meetings and certifications. I am certified in Odoo 14 and 15, by the way.
Best working environment.
Opportunities for onsite tours and training.

Now that’s a nice list of good things! What is your bad day like here?
When I am having lots of new tasks and I am still dealing with older task's issues or rework.
How do you cope with that?
One task at a time by sorting based on priority without seeing any other task. It keeps you focused on one task at a time.
What is your best project-related work memory?
First comes to mind the Spinverse project migration from Odoo 8 to 14. I learned a lot regarding the migration process and how to fix those things in a quick way.
For example, we created a helping module which contains the temporary fields and scripts to fix the data on the database while migrating to 14.0. So that we don't need to do things manually one by one. It was a one click solution.
Secondly, moving to Finland and working from here.
(Sidenote: In the photograph on the left there is also Bharat, who moved to Finland at the same time with Viki - we are happy to have them both here!)
What about your best free-time-related work memory?
I have many!
When I joined SprintIT India, the Finland employees visited our India office in Gujarat and we did fun activities together: office games, go-karting, visiting the Laxmivilas palace (Baroda). It was my first experience of working with foreigners from the same office, and I felt next level confidence by working and talking with them.
Also, when the India team went for an outing to Udaipur last year is a good memory. The resort we booked was awesome and we had a whole lot of fun, drinks and gossip while sitting together (see photo).
But one of the latest fun memories is our welcome party with Janina, Johanna, Tatiana, Natalija, Joakim, Aude, Bharat and myself. We had our first Finnish beers with them and talked till evening at Allas Sea Pool.
(Sidenote: apparently the evening at Allas Sea Pool was so much fun that everyone forgot to take pictures - but no worries, we already agreed on going there again!)

Ok Viki, let's change this up a bit. Complete these sentences:

When you see me at the office, I’m probably… listening to music and doing code.
I start my mornings… with masala tea.
My work life motto is… be calm, enjoy enough.
Best thing about Odoo is… more user friendly and customisable.
You will never hear me saying… no for an outing.
Which one of your colleagues made you laugh recently?
Janina and her driving skills, Tatiana and her laugh.
How would a six year old describe your daily work?
They think I am a typewriter, who’s always typing something on a black screen, or that I am playing games all the time.
We are so curious about your experiences in moving to Finland - can we please please please make another story of you later?
Sure, once we get enough experiences.
Lastly, rate SprintIT in your own words!
I have been here with SprintIT for 3,5 years, but it only feels like a month. So, for me it is the best decision I have ever made: 10/10.
Thank you for the interview, Viki!
PS. Want to work with Viki? See our open roles while you're here.