Open your source, Ildi!
Project Manager Ildiko Horvath is one of our newest Sprinters, but we just couldn’t wait any longer to interview her - it’s the most inspiring story!
She followed her dreams and moved to Finland 10 years ago, learned the language and is now turning a new page with us by starting to manage our Odoo projects.
Ildi is a F1 superfan who starts her mornings with coffee like a true Finn and sometimes thinks about unicorns while chit-chatting with colleagues on breaks.

Hey, new friend! Please introduce yourself to us!
Hi, I’m Ildi, Project Manager in SprintIT. I started in January 2023.
I'm originally from Budapest, Hungary, and I've lived here in Finland for 10 years now.
Tell us the story! Why did you move to Finland?
I have been a huge fan of F1 since the age of 9. I started with supporting Häkkinen and later became a die hard Kimi fan. I also listened to Finnish heavy bands. That’s how Finland and the Finnish culture started to interest me.
I ended up studying Finnish linguistics beside other topics at the university. I visited Finland a few times and made new friends here.
And then one day during my afternoon coffee at uni, I decided to move to Finland and a month later I was here.
And now your Finnish is fluent, by the way. Was it hard to learn?
I’d say it wasn’t as hard as people usually think. Obviously it helped me that my native language is Hungarian and I'm a linguist so I have a different start point than most of the foreigners who try to learn Finnish. But it’s definitely not an easy language. I say weird or indecent stuff by accident on a daily basis.
How did you find out about SprintIT?
I got a message via MeetFrank from a SprintIT recruiter, and was asked if the open position in SprintIT would interest me as I might be a good fit for them.
I checked the description of the position, the website and social media. Based on them I thought this place could actually be nice, so I applied and here I am now. I also appreciated a lot that a CV was enough, no self-PR letter was needed!
Did you know Odoo before?
No I didn’t actually. Which means I have a lot to learn, but luckily I am granted with the time to do it at my own pace.
Odoo has many opportunities depending on the user’s needs, and it is fun to discover the various potentials Odoo has.
What are you working on at the moment?
I've been here only for a short time, so my main project is my onboarding and learning Odoo and our processes.
And that's what I actually like the most. I have enough time to learn and I can do it in the way I prefer to do.

Can you already tell us your best memory at SprintIT, even though it's only been two months?
It is KARTING indeed. We have monthly events organized for and by Sprinters. February's event was karting and it was simply the best free-time activity.
I love speed and motorsports even though I’m, well let’s say not a top driver myself. My personal result was not as good as I expected, but this is motorsport. I made some nice overtakes and also some way too optimistic tries, but it was fun.
Which one of your colleagues made you laugh recently?
I can't say who was the most recent to be honest. We laugh quite a lot at work. But most likely it was Henna or someone from my team. And why? Well because we are very funny people in the office.
What makes you happy at work right now?
I have nice colleagues and I enjoy spending time with them. Also I have a balanced workload and chill working environment. I don't feel I am too busy, but still I can see a clear development in my knowledge and skills.
What is your bad day like?
A day when I make more mistakes than I usually do - and they are mostly quite amateur ones. A day when nothing works properly, including the things that worked just fine yesterday.
Probably I also missed a meeting.
Is it true that you’ve never missed a meeting in your life until this week?
Yes… well I think it must have happened at some point. But no harm done! And now I have my notification settings set up better.
"Leuka rintaan ja kohti uusia pettymyksiä", as the Finns wisely say.
Is there a nerdy stereotype that fits you?
Not really. I'm definitely not a stereotypical nerd, but I have nerdy features indeed.
Who would play you in a Hollywood SprintIT movie?
Rose Leslie.
And Benedict Cumberbatch to co-star, we presume!

How would a six year old describe your daily work?
There are meetings, where we talk about weird tech things or where to go for lunch. And then sometimes you have 15 different windows and apps open, and sometimes it looks like you are just staring at the screen (but that's when you learn and develop yourself, kids!)
Finish these sentences!
When you see me at the office, I’m probably… discussing something with someone.
I start my mornings… with coffee.
You will never hear me saying… no for dessert.
My work life motto is... I don't have one. Actually I have no mottos at all.
Best thing about Odoo is… that it's very complex but still easy to use on a basic level and fits for different types of working methods. Whether you are a (messy) multitasker or very focused step-by-step person, you will find a comfortable way to navigate in Odoo.
I also like that it collects all the operational processes into one platform, so there's no need to learn the different apps and which one is used for what process.
That’s two best things, sorry!
Let's go back to you and motorsports just for a sec before we let you go.
How did you fall in love with Formula 1 in the first place?
It was the last race of 1997, and the commentator told a story about how Villeneuve lost his father in a race accident when he was a child. I felt so sad for him that I started to support him really hard to win the championship. He won. Since that I’ve seen almost every race.
How many races have you seen on site and in which countries?
I've been to around 15 races, I’m not quite sure. I’ve been to Hungary many times for obvious reasons, and to Austria, Belgium, Italy and Brazil. At least the Dutch and the Singapore GP are on my list in the near future.
We know there’s a story about you in Iltalehti. Can we share it here?
(Here it is, click to read!)

Before finishing up, what else are you passionate about in addition to motorsports?
We can't leave our readers thinking that fast cars are your only love!
Haha that would be boring, wouldn’t it?
Well I love listening to music and dancing.
Oh, and swimming and sharks. I’d also want to swim WITH sharks, but I haven’t had the opportunity yet. Probably it’s better for now considering how clumsy I am.
By the way, we still have room for new Project Managers here at SprintIT
(click here to see the job description).
What would you say to a candidate that thinks about applying? What kind of person fits best in this role?
This is the only role at SprintIT that you need Finnish language for. But if you know Finnish, don’t hesitate - send your CV to us and have a try! The PMs here are very different with different backgrounds. So don’t be afraid if you don’t fill all the requirements, you still can be a good fit to us. SprintIT recognizes the potential, and is ready to invest in your growth.
As a PM you will need to work with many different people, so it is important to have good social and communication skills. Also the ability to understand processes as a whole will help you in this role. Everything else can be learnt. If you are ready to put the effort to grow you will get all the support you need.
According to your one-or-two-month experience with us, how would you rate SprintIT?
5/5 so far. It just feels good to be a Sprinter!
Thank you, Ildi! We are so happy to have you here in Finland and SprintIT!
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