Open your source, Olli
To get to know the Team Player of the year 2022, we need to go back to the year 2017 with our Solutions Architect Olli Björkqvist!
Olli believes more in smooth sailing than heroic tales when it comes to project work and admits Python being the best part of Odoo.
He probably drinks too much coffee and yells too much at his computer, he dabbles in many types of subnerdery and can’t help but laugh at bad puns… There are always more fun facts to know about Olli, here’s just a quick look at them.

Hi, Olli! Let's get to know you a bit better! The floor is yours, go!
Olli - I do Odoo stuff, mostly on the technical side of things. Architect seems to be the proper title, but a bit of everything related to the inner workings of Odoo. Quite a lot of emphasis on the ecommerce side of things lately, integrations and whatnot.
Where are you from?
Espoo, Mankkaa (and if Pasi Rautiainen says the "Tapiola" football pitch is at Mankkaa, it IS at Mankkaa).
When did you start at SprintIT?
Back in 2017.
I started as a technical resource in the continuous services/support - smaller development tasks for customers outside of the project stage, before moving on towards project delivery.
Earlier I also worked a bunch more with Pupesoft with now my focus being nearly solely on Odoo.
Was SprintIT very different in 2017 in comparison to what it is now?
We were a smaller group back then, and much less structured in our way of doing things - the growth to using tools, automation and defined processes as part of our day to day work has been the biggest change thru the years. And a very welcome one.
How did you find out about SprintIT and Odoo, what made you apply?
I was finishing up an Odoo project in another company, and had noticed SprintIT break the IT-news barrier a bit earlier when the acquisition of Devlab happened. So when it was time to start looking for new challenges, SprintIT happened to have an open position and seemed like a rather nice option. And nice it was!
What is your best work memory here?
I think it's the times that things go without any surprises - stories about excellence in team-work in the face of adversity make for better heroic tales, but the times when things just go all according to plan and then you don't remember them in exact detail are the best of times.
What about free-time-related memories?
Probably some of the ad-hoc disc golf trips afterwork.

Describe an occasion where a colleague helped you out.
There are a bunch of course, but I think it's been the change of style in doing things in micro teams and getting such an awesome bunch of people to work consistently on projects - so basically this is one of those thank you lists for the whole team, instead of an anecdote. But the help is there, every day, all the time.
What makes you happy at work right now?
Heh, same answer as the help one. The people - day to day, my own team, but also on the bigger level it's the whole company. Bunch of awesome people. I get to visit the office physically only about once a week, but it's always excellent to meet the crew there.
Speaking of happy, helpful and awesome people, you were voted as Team Player of the year 2022! How did it feel?
That was really nice. Honestly moved me to hear my colleagues think I can contribute to the whole that much with the occasional answer or a moment to help.
Good words from management are nice, but recognition of the other employees truly warms the heart.
What is your bad day like?
Computer does not do what is needed. And even yelling at it doesn't help.
We never hear you yell at the office, though. Do you save those moments for remote work?
I do my best to yell internally. Not that computer really ever listens anyway.
Which one of your colleagues made you laugh recently?
Matti. There should be a law against bad puns, especially ones based on progressive rock references, but damnit if they aren't witty and funny.

How would a six year old describe your daily work?
"Drinks too much coffee. Does things with the keyboard. Yelling at computer (call it "voice control" if you want to be nice)" maybe?
I would love to be able to say its "he makes my parents worry less about excel marathons, so they get to spend more time watching Star Wars with me"
Is there a nerdy stereotype that fits you or really doesn't fit at all?
I dunno, I try to dabble in enough of types of subnerdery (comics, movies, music, tabletop gaming, vintage computer stuff, pinball) that it's hard to find one. All purpose flour of nerds?
Finally some nerdiness! Do we do enough nerdy stuff together?
I think the current amount is quite nice. And the variety has been nice so there is stuff for different kinds of interests.
Highpoints for me so far have been the retro pinball night and the unofficial field trip to Tuska festival. And the bicycle club trips, which I have managed to miss every single time so far.
Who would play you in a Hollywood SprintIT movie?
If yelling at computer is involved, Nic Cage.
Ok, Olli, finish these sentences:
When you see me at the office, I’m probably… looking for a desk with a two-monitor setup near the Hannu Karpo poster.
I start my mornings… Coffee. Dog. Coffee.
Best thing about Odoo is… Python. Would be nicer to say something about the general attitude of Odoo and the open source mentality and whatnot, but I am so allergic to coding stuff with curly brackets and memory pointers it just has to be using Python.
You will never hear me saying… "Ronaldo is the GOAT!"
Hahaa, no love lost there. Who would be the GOAT?
I’m a well known Zlatanist.
Lastly, rate us in your own words! Would you recommend us?
Yes. Come for Odoo, stay for people :)
Thank you so much, Olli! It's always a pleasure to chat with you!
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